Winning In Your Field - Episode 1, Fertilizer

Fertilizer, The Flintstones Vitamin For Your Yard

Click Here to Play Episode 1

Thank you for joining us for the first episode of Winning In Your Field Podcast! If you have any questions about what you heard today, please feel free to email us at or comment below! Please also provide some feedback in the comments on what topics you'd like to hear in the future!

Show Notes:

Where is a fertilizer tag? Located on the circled part of the bag!


 Primary Nutrients - N - P- K

Phosphorus restrictions in fertilizer is common in states throughout the mid-west and on the coast. Please check with your Department of Agriculture to verify if you have any state restrictions.

Examples given -

Minnesota Law

Florida Nitrogen and Phosphorus Blackout

Check out soil reports in your area:

Click Here for Soil Reports

 Granular Fertilizer Equipment - COMING SOON to WinField United Pro Online

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