Looking for a Green Lawn Care Program?

Looking for a Green Lawn Care Program?

herbicideRachel Mohorn
Have you been searching for a step-by-step of what lawn care products to use on your turf and when? Look no further! Rob Garcia, our Lead Western Technical Specialist has created two lawn care programs below that will fit the bill.  
Herbicide Decisions

Herbicide Decisions

herbicideRachel Mohorn
Weeds are problematic for many reasons. In home lawns, they choke out the grasses and overtake the landscape. In agriculture, they compete with crops for nutrients and cause a loss in yields. Everyone from golf course superintendents to your average Joe deals with weeds on a daily basis.
4 Easy Tips for a Good, Cool Season Lawn

4 Easy Tips for a Good, Cool Season Lawn

Cool Season TurfRachel Mohorn

August Lietzen provides insight on how to create a great cool season lawn with 4 steps: 

TIP NUMBER 1 : Control the weeds

TIP NUMBER 2:  Prepare for Summer

TIP NUMBER 3: Building a Thick Lawn

TIP NUMBER 4: Getting a Jump on Next Year

Winning In Your Field - Episode 1, Fertilizer

Winning In Your Field - Episode 1, Fertilizer

advisorRachel Mohorn

Fertilizer helps to increase the good microbes in your yard. Many of us took vitamins when we were children, fertilizer is like that for your yard -Helping to boost the nutrients that will ultimately help your grass and flowers.

Check out the podcast HERE

WinField United Virtual Academy

WinField United Virtual Academy

AcademyRachel Mohorn
This virtual academy will be your go-to resource for pest control, ornamental, golf and turf management insights. Plus, if you need CEU credits, you get to earn them towards your professional license whenever its convenient for you. 
To Spray or Not To Spray Herbicide– That is the Question

To Spray or Not To Spray Herbicide– That is the Question

breezeRachel Mohorn

Rob Garcia, Technical Support Manager,  discusses spring weed control and when to use herbicide products.