dead patch of grass

Fungicides are often used in curative and preventive disease control programs. Not all products are the same, however. Some kill the fungi and the spores while others simply prevent their formation and growth. Fungicides have different modes of action, but most of the products work by damaging the cell membranes or inhibiting energy processes within the fungal cells, thus rendering them dead.

4 Tips for Preventive Disease Control

Fungal diseases can damage and destroy trees, plants and turf. Practicing good preventive disease control techniques will help to keep disease growth and its damage to a minimum.

Don't misdiagnose the disease.

It's easy to misdiagnose fungal diseases, especially if you're not a certified pest control professional with experience in the field. Since there are many different fungal pathogens, such as rusts, molds, mildews and blights, it's important to diagnose the problem correctly before applying what could be the wrong fungicide. Speak with a local professional who can identify the problem and suggest the recommended treatment strategy.

Keep leaves dry.

Many plant diseases are transmitted after watering or when it's raining. If the leaves are wet and unable to dry, the plant is susceptible to fungal growth. If possible, water the plants at ground level and make sure to have good airflow throughout the plants to keep the leaves dry.

Practice garden sanitation.

Fungal diseases are sometimes passed on from plant to plant by equipment such as gardening shears and other tools. Sanitizing your equipment after using it on a plant is good practice. It not only cleans the tool but keeps it from spreading fungal pathogens to the next plant, tree or shrub in line.

Use the right fungicide.

Fungicides help primarily in a preventive way, protecting the plants from a fungal outbreak. Some fungicides stay on the leaves and act as a barrier while others penetrate the cuticle and provide protection from within the plant. Though fungicides can stop new symptoms from happening, they're not always designed to cure the disease, only to prevent it. Here are a few recommendations to use in your preventive disease control program:

Protect Your Plants from Fungal Diseases

Prevention is the key to stopping fungal growth and damage. Cleaning your tools, being careful with watering levels, and using the right fungicides can help keep fungal diseases off your turf and plants. Failure to create a prevention program can lead to massive plant loss in greenhouses, home gardens, business landscapes and agricultural fields.

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