Looking for a Green Lawn Care Program?

Looking for a Green Lawn Care Program?

herbicideRachel Mohorn
Have you been searching for a step-by-step of what lawn care products to use on your turf and when? Look no further! Rob Garcia, our Lead Western Technical Specialist has created two lawn care programs below that will fit the bill.  
Antixx Fire Ant Bait Exclusive

Antixx Fire Ant Bait Exclusive

Fire Ant BaitRachel Mohorn
How do you get rid of fire ants? It all comes down to timing and using the right insecticide.
Herbicide Decisions

Herbicide Decisions

herbicideRachel Mohorn
Weeds are problematic for many reasons. In home lawns, they choke out the grasses and overtake the landscape. In agriculture, they compete with crops for nutrients and cause a loss in yields. Everyone from golf course superintendents to your average Joe deals with weeds on a daily basis.