Artimuss Tall Fescue Blend - 50lb Bag


Size: 50lb Bag
Sale price$155.00


Tall fescue is a fast-growing, upright turfgrass with outstanding drought and wear resistance. Artimuss takes tall fescue to the next level, using several cultivars to produce the most resilient, the highest quality, and the fastest growing turfgrass when compared to other seed blends out there.

About Artimuss Turf Blend

One thing that sets Artimuss apart from other turf blends is Gravity PGS. It's a plant growth stimulator used on the seeds as a pretreatment to boost growth and development for faster spread, higher density and greener color. Because it's developed with cultivars using Lateral Spread technology, which improves strand density under stress, Artimuss is extremely resistant to drought, heat, traffic and fungal diseases such as gray leaf spot and brown patch.

Areas of Use

Whether it's for DIY yard lovers or lawn and landscape professionals, Artimuss is a recommended turf blend for sites where tall fescue is desired. It uses cultivars known for ranking highly on National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) scores in the Northeast and Transition Zone locations. Some areas of use include:

  • Home lawns
  • Commercial landscapes
  • Municipal sites
  • Sports fields

Benefits of Artimuss

Artimuss uses not one but four different cultivars: Titanium G-LS, Dynamite G-LS, Spyder 2LS and Avenger III. These turf seeds have Lateral Spread parents to boost density, drought tolerance, disease resistance and green color. These cultivars make Artimuss the ultimate tall fescue turfgrass blend available. Some of the main benefits include:

  • Tolerates drought, heat and other stressors
  • Resistant against diseases like gray leaf spot
  • Treated with Gravity PGS for faster growth
  • Compact growth for low-mowing ability
  • Excellent spring and fall density

 Rate per 1000 sq feet: 

Bare Soil - 8-10lbs

Overseeding: 1/2 normal rate

Manufacturer Mountain View Seeds
Utility  Turf Seed
Container Size 50lb Bag
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Customer Reviews

Based on 100 reviews
POA Trivialis

After 20 years of seeding and reseeding, this seed is by far the worst. Do not use unless you want your yard full of POA Trivialis. This seed is contaminated even though the blue tag says 0 weeds…never had an issue in 20 years until this seed was introduced. My yard is now 75% POA trivialis. Buyer beware!

Keith Bagwell
BEST Grass Seed Ever

I live in zone 8, NC and it has been a difficult transition from SC soil to NC soil. No problem with "Artimus Tall Fescue Blend." This seed is "the stuff" you've been looking for. It has weathered Spring, Summer, Winter and now going into Spring again with no issues whatsoever. The deep green, fill in capacity and growth rate are exceptional!!
K Bagwell-NC

Rob Harding
Expected more

Not the worst but I expected more

Poorly Sprouting after several weeks of properly watering

Poorly packaged, been several weeks and have so far only minimal sprouting in spots and have been properly watering lawn daily, So far not impressed.

Brenden McIntyre
Artimuss TTTF

Planted in a heavy clay soil on Labor Day. The seed sprouted like KBG and took awhile to establish. First mow was the first week of October. Three mows in now and it’s filling in really nice. I’m excited to see how it performs in a St. Louis summer.

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