Size: 2.5 Gallons
Sale price$156.14


Good cultural practices and Gravity® L AMP promote early plant growth and strong root systems. Gravity L AMP is a concentrated liquid plant food supplement used to boost growth, especially when it's combined with a well-balanced fertilizer program. It's easy to apply and can be used on turf and ornamentals.

How Gravity® L AMP Works

It contains 8 percent nitrogen, 27 percent phosphate and 2 percent soluble potash. The high level of phosphate stimulates root growth and vigor in the plant's early stages of development. Gravity® also contains 3 percent seaweed extract, which helps the plants build a strong response and resistance to many different stresses.

Where to Use Gravity® L

Use Gravity® L AMP for ornamental, turf and foliar applications. It can be applied as a drench for seedlings and transplants. Use it on the golf course to boost turf growth on greens and tees, including newly seeded or grow-in turf. Gravity® may also be used for hydroseeding, as well as a foliar application to cover the entire plant.

Gravity® Features and Benefits

Gravity® L AMP is a plant food supplement and works well in an established fertilizer program. It can be applied to turf and plants throughout lawns, gardens and more. Some of the primary benefits include:

  • High phosphate for stimulating growth
  • Seaweed extract for boosting stress response
  • Perfect for seedlings and transplants
  • May be tank-mixed with pesticides and adjuvants

Gravity® L AMP Promotes Early Growth

As a plant food supplement, Gravity® L AMP stimulates early growth and vigorous root systems. It's not a substitute for a proper fertilizer program, but it benefits the plants by giving them the right nutrients to give them a head-start during early development.

Manufacturer Heritage PPG
Utility  Concentrated Liquid
Active Ingredient Ammoniacal Nitrogen, Available Phosphate, Soluble Potash, Seaweed Extract, Other Ingredients
Composition (8%, 27%, 2%), 3%, 97%
Container Size 2.5 gallons
Application Amount See label for details.



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